"Becky has an incredible way of articulating how people connect with their space and a deep understanding of what people need/desire. If you haven’t experienced an Autonomy Design session I strongly suggest investing in one, or multiples. This work and way of living is profound." - CC Autonomy Design Interior client Vancouver BC
"We worked with Becky on the design of our cabin, we wanted a place that would accommodate our friends, family and lifestyle. Friends recommended her as her approach is unique and holistic, and it is! We engaged her in all her offerings, and although we can’t explain or begin to understand .... the shifts in energy have been real. The build process has been so smooth and we truly believe it’s because we had Becky do a land acknowledgment, clear the abandoned buildings that were on the property and guide us every step of the way. Highly recommend working with Becky and the team at Ethos and Edit.” - KC Interior Design & Space clearing client Bowen Island BC
" Autonomy Design has completely changed my life in the most wonderful way.
Through doing sessions with Becky I am living in alignment with my gifts. It’s becoming easier and easier to see when I am out of balance and to trust what in balance feels like and the steps to take. Becky is also such a light! Her care and support in guiding me through this work is such a gift. If you haven’t done a session I highly recommend it.” - MM Autonomy Design client Topanga CA
"Autonomy Design has completely changed my relationship with myself. Each session with Becky I become more and more empowered and aware of the gifts on my chart and how they relate to my everyday life. It’s such a simple yet profound way of living and seeing the world. Highly recommend a session .... or 9 ” - KL Autonomy Design client Whistler BC
" I was introduced to Autonomy Design by a friend that I had observed make some pivotal changes in their life as well as become much more calm and grounded in our dynamic. It was such a beautiful thing to witness I had to ask what they were reading, doing etc.
In discovering my own chart and having a couple of sessions with Becky ‘I got it’ and that same friend saw the shift in me. It’s been so beautiful to grow as an individual and in my friendships. I highly recommend diving into Autonomy Design and investing in sessions with Becky.” - LP Autonomy Design client LA CA
"I was gifted an Autonomy Design session with Becky, and it honestly was the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. I highly suggest this for a loved one who is interested in self-development or going through a transition.
I had no idea what the session would involve or some of the modalities Becky has as reference, regardless the intimate details she shared about me, and how she was able to articulate things about me that I needed to hear was incredible. I have listened to the recording many times. She brought a clear awareness and guidance to topics I have struggled with about my relationship with my stuff. I’m so grateful! Once I am done with the workbook she provided I’ll be booking a session.” - AA Autonomy Design client Calgary BC
"I have had three sessions with Becky now, and each time I am stunned at how accurate she just knows what is unfolding in my life. Her voice notes are not only full of wisdom, but the timing is also divine. She has what I will call an unexplainable gift to deliver exactly what I need to hear in a way that is clear.
Her guidance on what I should do with my gifts and how to make shifts in my life and space are very tangible, when I do them I feel so empowered. I will continue to explore my entire Autonomy Design chart, and I highly recommend this work to anyone seeking a new way of living” - TC Autonomy Design client Whistler BC
"Autonomy Design is a fascinating mix of disciplines and wisdom that really resonated with me. It helped me to reinforce some of the knowledge that is already conscious while uncovering new ideas to ponder. Understanding my chart will help me build confidence to explore my own unique path. Becky is passionate about this work and brought meaningful insights to the session through storytelling. Knowing yourself is foundational to growth and wellbeing, and so, booking a session with Becky will always be time and money well spent." - BW Autonomy Design client Vancouver BC
"Becky has an innate gift for translating complex concepts into tangible takeaways. She has created a system that is both grounded and ethereal. It makes you look at yourself and your space in a new way! I’ve been listening to the recording of my Autonomy Design session just to make sure I catch every little detail!" - OB Autonomy Design client Calgary AB
"I'm currently in the autonomy design mentorship program. I have gained so much clarity about myself and have become more confident and certain about who I am, truly. I am learning what I desire (need) in my environments to really feel rested and secure. When I make the edits in my home, or at the office with awareness of my gifts that Becky has shared I genuinely feel the shift of balance, both physically in the space as well as in my awareness and energy. I'm really enjoying the process and recommended a session or the mentorship program." - CJ Autonomy Design client Vancouver BC
"I was feeling stuck in a few areas of life and not loving home life, I couldn't put my finger on what was missing, as nothing was really 'wrong'. I was recommended to have a session with Becky. I have now done two Autonomy Design sessions and both have been wildly impactful. Becky's way of knowing exactly what is going on, and how to shift it is incredibly accurate and profound. She articulated how I experience life and what steps to take to step into my expression in a deeply personal way. Her delivery is direct and kind and I really appreciate her attention to detail and support. I'll continue to work with her and recommend a session to anyone feeling stuck, off or in limbo." - BW Autonomy Design client Vancouver BC
"Wow - I had an autonomy session with Becky and am shocked at how 'seen' I was. She has a true gift at speaking and engaging with you at a soulful level. It was also very energizing to be engaged with a woman who is clearly autonomous herself.
The gifts and energy centres that she covered in my chart during our session were all very affirming and very relevant to my current life. I walked away from the session empowered, curious and refreshed. I will be booking again and am eager to learn and embody the balanced state of all my gifts. Thank you for your passion and for sharing this with the world." - BB Autonomy Design client New York City
"I have been investing in talk therapy for years, as much as I enjoy my therapist and we have made changes - In the session with Becky she was able to explain things about me that I have never been able to put words around in all my therapy appointments. The clarity she brought me about my gifts, their balance, and how they manifest in my life and surroundings was wildly accurate. In just one session I feel liberated, I'll be booking again for sure. She has a gift! Thank you for sharing autonomy design with the world." - BD Autonomy Design client Edmonton AB
"We had Becky read our family's Autonomy Design charts. (Married household/ two working parents and three kids under the age of 10) It has completely changed how my husband and I communicate with our kids at home, it has changed how we show up for them. The charts and the sessions with Becky have given us an awareness of how each of our kids feels at home that we would have never known. The energetic insights into each of our gifts have been a game changer. It has equipped us to parent better together and communicate with ease." - AS Autonomy Design client Calgary AB
"I wasn't sure what to expect going into my session with Becky. The reading was so profound! She spoke to my way of experiencing the world in the most articulate way, I've never felt so understood and empowered to express myself. I left the session feeling resourced and look forward to booking again to learn more about my other gifts. Becky, thank you for sharing this with the world, you are the real deal.
I highly recommend an Autonomy Design session" - RR Autonomy Design client Nelson BC
"We worked with Becky on the design of our cabin, and couldn't have done it without her - her expertise is a true gift. Her knowledge not only about design but also about 'off-grid' living is vast and her contemporary approach is refreshing. She was able to support us every step of the way and engage with the build team genuinely. We also appreciated her conscious and appropriate approach to working with the land" - Amber L. Interior Design & Autonomy Design client Vancouver BC
"We worked with Becky on the design of our cabin, and couldn't have done it without her - her expertise is a true gift. Her knowledge not only about design but also about 'off-grid' living is vast and her contemporary approach is refreshing. She was able to support us every step of the way and engage with the build team genuinely. We also appreciated her conscious and appropriate approach to working with the land" - R&R, Land Acknowledgment & Interior Design Client in the Gulf Islands BC
"I wasn't sure what to expect going into my session with Becky. The reading was so profound! She spoke to my way of experiencing the world in the most articulate way, I've never felt so understood and empowered to express myself. I left the session feeling resourced and look forward to booking again to learn more about my other gifts. Becky, thank you for sharing this with the world, you are the real deal.
I highly recommend an Autonomy Design session. " - LL Autonomy Design Client in Victoria BC
“Becky is the real deal. Via our initial space clearing, she was able to energetically unearth past and present karmic densities that were stuck inside of our new apartment. She was intentional and patient, working the majority of the afternoon to ensure our home space was in harmonious energetic balance. She later proceeded with an Intention Clearing that allowed my partner and I to relinquish rigid stress we were holding on to and surrender to the joy and celebration of moving into our new home.” - Karla Dreyer, Autonomy Design Client in Vancouver BC
“Becky is the real deal. Via our initial space clearing, she was able to energetically unearth past and present karmic densities that were stuck inside of our new apartment. She was intentional and patient, working the majority of the afternoon to ensure our home space was in harmonious energetic balance. She later proceeded with an Intention Clearing that allowed my partner and I to relinquish rigid stress we were holding on to and surrender to the joy and celebration of moving into our new home.” - Kara Ladd, Space Clearing Client in New York City